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  • R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner
  • R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner
  • R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner
  • R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner
  • R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner

R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner

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R10 is a fashion style high performance wearable 2D barcode scanner. Mini CCD barcode scanner for android iOS phones tablet, It can scan the barcode on paper and merchandise easily. Supports Bluetooth 4.2 and the transmission distance can reach 30m in outdoor and it can be connected to PC directly; It can be used in qr code payment, merchandise code scan and warehouse inventory checking. 

Handheld Barcode Scanner Features 

* high performance scan engine 

* Armed with high performance MCU, it can scan easily all mainstream 1D and 2D barcode; 

 *  Mode: BT(HID,SPP,BLE), wired, connected with PC, mobile phone easily.

 *  Support Bluetooth 4.2, intelligent automatic connection when it’s beyond range, not manual setting.

R10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode ScannerR10 Portable 2D Bluetooth Small Ring Barcode Scanner



USB-KBW wireless Bluetooth

Image sensor



300,000 pixels 640*480


≥3mil/0.076mm PCS90%,CODE 39

Depth of field

30mm~500mm depending on different barcode

Decode speed


Scan mode

Manual trigger; auto sense; continuous mode


LED, beeper, vibrator


41° * 31°

Scan angle

Test Conditions CODE39,10mil/0.25mm,PCS90%

Roll:  ±360°; Pitch:±60°; Skew:  ±55°

Print contrast:




Dark environemtn, indoor natural light


1DUPC-AUPC-EEAN-8EAN-13Code 128GS1-128Code 39Code 32, Code93Code 11Interleaved 2 of 5Matrix 2 of 5Industrial 2 of 5(Straight 2 of 5)Standard 2 of 5IATA 2 of 5,CodabarNW-7), MSIGS1 Databar(Omnidirectional,Limited, Expanded)China Post, Tepepen, Febraban,GS1 Composite etc.

2D: QR Code,   Micro QR Code, Data MatrixPDF417, Micro PDF 417,  MaxiCode,AztecHanXin Code, etc.