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Barcode Scanner for Heathcare

May. 31, 2019

Every day, we see hundreds of barcodes. Whether they're on products at the grocery store, the mall, or even in our refrigerator, barcodes have become ubiquitous.

Obviously, we have been using barcodes for a long time. But recent developments in barcode technology have created new options for the healthcare industry. These developments have the potential to improve patient care, costs, and efficiency.

Let's take a closer look the role barcodes are playing in healthcare

Inventory ManagementBarcode Scanner for Heathcare

Hospitals manage millions of dollars worth of medical equipment, supplies, and medication. With the help of a wireless barcode scanner, it can easily track what items have been used, on which patient and what items are available.

Patient Identity

Any caregiver can identify patients by simply scanning their wristband anywhere in the hospital, connecting the right patient to the right care. Check patient IDs and information instantly.

Healthcare scanners and imagers read the barcodes and transmit the data to computers for processing and decoding. You scanners will have to be configured to be able to read your barcodes taking into account:

Staff Identification

Another important use of barcodes is providing secure staff identification. Hospitals can provide doctors and nurses with identification cards that include barcodes that must be scanned to enter certain areas.

Protect Patient Health

In the mission-critical world of healthcare, caregivers need to be able to accurately capture virtually any barcode, on any medium, in any condition - with first-time every time predictability. And with RK1201 handheld barcode reader on your workstations-on-wheels and other carts, they can.

While we've mentioned some ways that barcode technology is impacting healthcare. Industries are learning of ways to use barcodes to improve their workflow.